Cynthia Yelvington, Ph.D.
Marketing Research Consultant

You have Questions? I'll Find the Answers.

About Me

Cynthia Yelvington

Over 30 years of client-side marketing research experience working in a vast array of CPG categories with giants like Nestle and Procter & Gamble, as well as with smaller, scrappier companies. Expert at clarifying the key research questions and then identifying cost-effective consumer/customer research to answer those questions.
(And if you don’t really need any research, I’ll tell you.)


consumer packaged goods

Consumer Packaged Goods

  • • Consumer Exploratory
  • • Concept Evaluation
  • • Product Testing
  • • New Product Sales Forecasts
  • • Positioning / Promotions Testing
  • • Ad Development & Testing
  • • Segmentation & Profiling
  • • Brand Imagery & Perceptual Mapping
  • • Marketing Mix Modeling
  • ...and more!
beyond cpg

Beyond CPG

  • • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • • Food Service Research
  • • Charity Donor Profiling


quantitative methods


  • • Online Surveys
  • • Central Location Testing
  • • In-Home Use Tests
  • • Sensory / Triangle Tests
  • • In-Store Research
  • ...and more!
qualitative methods


  • • Focus Groups (Virtual or In-person)
  • • In-Depth Interviews
  • • In-Home Ethnographics


Sample Projects

What is the competitive landscape?

Perceptual Map

In a category that was declining overall, one small section was growing. The client wanted to better understand the ‘lay of the land’ and identify any white spaces that might exist. An online survey of shoppers gathered brand imagery data on the key players, providing a map of the perceptual space in consumers’ minds. In addition to learning about the strengths and weaknesses of each existing brand, two areas of white space were uncovered – focusing R&D’s efforts for future development.

Who are my donors?

Profiling (in a good way)

Understanding your customer base, whether they be consumers, businesses or charitable donors, is important to developing long-lasting relationships. Demographic profiles are a great start, but truly understanding their values, wishes and preferences can forge an emotional connection with your organization. When your support base includes thousands of infrequent, smaller-gift donors, you simply can’t have lunch with each one. An online survey of one organization's donors revealed surprises in their demographic profile and pointed out opportunities to trim some communications and better target digital advertising.

Is my product ready?

In-home Product Test

Following its successful entry into the ‘Better For You’ tortilla chip category, Barnana identified a new cooking method that yielded a plantain chip with a unique texture. However, products can be unique in a good way (a unique selling proposition), or in a bad way (“weird”). Before launching this new product, Barnana wanted to be sure their point of difference was a positive, and that the product met consumer expectations in other ways. As there were no direct competitors, a monadic product test was conducted, benchmarking to the prior successful product. Barnana Plantain Crisps was born!


Email me for a free consultation about your needs!

Los Angeles, CA